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Automated Aura Clearing - Divine Tools technologies

We have worked on this project for over 4 years and finally, we have manifested our dream. We wished that the personal aura clearing sessions we are doing for clients would be available for everyone, without the need of a healer or therapist. This tool can be used so you can master your own life and reality. Be free of past identifications and drama, attract new people, places, things & events into your life. Find here on my other site the full program

It is available as a hard-copy USB wallet format or as a download.

USB card & download files information & detailed usage

It includes four tracks:

– One 10 minutes long track for quick clearing after a busy day or after traveling or an energetic entanglement with another person, or anything that you might feel to clear. For the minor clearings.

– Two +/- 30 minutes long tracks, both have the same energies, but we included two so you may choose the music that fits your mood and taste. Both tracks are for a deep clearing, take time for this, switch off your phone and social media so you cannot be disturbed. Set your intention, guide all music through your body, and have the feeling or mantra “I am Free, and I let go”. Allow yourself to go on a deep journey, letting everything be as it is.

– One 30 minutes Integration track, use this in the days you aren’t using the clearing music. This to facilitate an easier and smoother integration of all that is in the process of being cleared.

All music can be used also for clearing your house, preparing your therapy or healing room, or clearing the room after a session. You can use all music for any of your clients during your own work. It is also possible to use it for any ceremony or workshop to keep the frequency high and the atmosphere harmonized. You can read the complete manual listed beneath here.

Here the 10 minutes Quick Clearing version, but streaming downgrades the encoded energies, for best clearings download the files from my other site

What it is and what does it do?

Aura Clearings focus on clearing the energy field or auric field. Aura, auric field or electromagnetic field, that is the light body that surrounds the physical body. Most people have many unseen blockages that you can remove on all 15 levels of awareness during Auric Clearing sessions. (Our awareness expands to a 15-dimensional anatomy within which we have our various identities: Incarnate identity at dimensions 1-3, Soul identity at dimensions 4-6, Over Soul identity at dimensions 7-9, Avatar identity at dimensions 10-12 and Rishi Identity at dimensions 13-15.)

Many people are carrying unfinished business, belief systems, thought-forms, paradigms, contracts, etc. of many lifetimes in their soul memory. During Auric Clearings you can energetically transmute soul fragmentations in this and past lifetimes. These fragmentations and blockages are seen by clairvoyants as holes or dark areas in the auric field which represent unresolved issues and stagnated life force energy.

The auric attachments often represent the greatest challenges in emotional, mental and spiritual evolution. This is why many people often spend years on workshops, reading self-help books and they keep feeling stuck and getting themselves into the same situations. Until we permanently transmute these auric attachments from all levels of multidimensional awareness including the neural networks associated with them, they will keep activating again and again. And every time they activate, we charge them with more emotional energy and they get more solidified and with a stronger magnetic frequency.

Solidified energetic blockages often manifest as diseases and the magnetic charge from these auric attachments will attract us to people, events, times and places with a similar low frequency thus making it very difficult to manifest the desired reality.

In the Auric Clearing session, while you’re listening to the encoded music, the multidimensional bodies and psychical body, are cleared using scalar language, energy directing techniques and sacred coding of AH encoded in the music (AH is Absolute Harmonic Universe, the higher universal self of Universe HU, where human experience takes place)

This allows communication with your Higher Self and subconscious mind to permanently transmute these attachments. Then you will recover soul fragments, that represent the highest potential of Self, from the issue being absolved and at the end of the clearing receiving a download of new cords, new templates and new soul programming from your own Higher Self. Thus, you have a higher frequency and the reality can change by attracting people, places, times and events that resonate with the new, higher frequency.

A person’s health and experience of life (a person’s reality) has its basis in holographically-recorded attitudes, beliefs, and emotions and these are the magnetic forces that underlie illness or health, attract and repel potential experiences, relationships to others, and shape our world view. By removing important blockages and unwanted attachments from the “unseen” or “subtle” bodies and unplugging them from the neural networks of the brain at a quantum level, a person’s life starts to change and bloom.

We are connected to Source or God through rotating fields of energy that come from Source down through the universal, galactic, planetary, and then personal energy grids. If we have blockages like occupants or portals in our bio-energetic field, then these affect our ability to accrete this energy from Source and affect our potential for at-one-ment and living our highest potential. With these gone, we have much more energy and will be able to tap into higher dimensions of consciousness that are closest to Source.

The Types of Auric Attachments included in this clearing and how they affect a person

There are a few kinds of blockages that affect the flow of Life Force in the body. These are not “solid” in the material sense, but they are “solid” in faster time flows, in the seven subtle bodies that operate in these faster-frequency time flows. They are blockages of life-force energies, and they become “solidified” in the subtle bodies due to stress, trauma, and unresolved emotions such as fear, hatred, self-pity, etc. The emotions in a human being can become quite powerful, and these “manifest” as blockages that look very real to a clairvoyant person who can “see” these different frequency bands. (An example of frequency bands is Infrared, Visible Light, Ultraviolet, Gamma, X-Ray).

These blockages (emotional thoughtforms), often look like greyish orbs (spheres) representing an accumulation of emotional energy that has not been owned as wisdom, or that is unresolved and not forgiven. These orbs become condensed and solidified in the subtle bodies, and locate themselves in the body’s chakras, or energy centers, according to the frequency. In other words, each of the seven energy centers, or chakras, correspond with different emotional frequencies, so the kind of emotion determines where the blockage will be located in the chakras. For example, an unresolved experience of heartbreak, or rejection in love, will probably have a blockage in the heart chakra, and an experience of the guilt of not speaking the truth will have a blockage in the throat chakra. The remaining 8 Chakras are called Morphogenetic Chakras and they exist within the auric field. In the Aura Clearing, we focus on the 7 embodied chakras primarily as this is where the human experience takes place mostly.

Occupants – thoughts that believe they own your body (An occupant is a soulless thoughtform that thinks it owns the body, and is hindering a person’s evolution. They can come in during childhood up to age 12 during a traumatic event because children are so open to energies. Or they can be created by the person in an analogical state of mind of intense trauma at a later age. An occupant resonates with the frequency of the attitude or trauma (be it abuse, accidents, illness, or stress) and attaches itself to the person, somewhere in the pranic tube. These are thoughtforms that can sometimes have very strong magnetic fields that attract undesirable experiences and relationships. These are the top-priority removals, as occupants interfere with a more natural flow of people, places, times, things, and events. When they are removed, their influence is also removed, and a person’s experience of people, places, times things and events manifests more in accordance with the person’s desires. Occupants often enter a chakra (seal) of the body during periods of illness, trauma, or stress.)

Discarnates – disembodied souls that use you as a host (One of the secrets that most of the sleeping masses are unaware of is that there are beings around that you cannot see and some of these beings are very malicious. They are called discarnates. Beings that have died but haven’t gone through the tunnel to the Plane of Bliss yet. They are stuck on the astral level (4th dimension). So what they do is attach to people here, either because of past karmic ties to the person or simply because they are siphoning that person’s emotional energy. If we emotionally energize fear, rage, anger, grief, disappointment, or frustration, then we attract discarnates that resonate with that energy and they basically use that energy for their “food” so they keep feeding their existence in 4th dimension. Discarnates are very “earthbound”. They’re people we’ve known in past lives that usually feel they have a right to dominate the person they are “attached” to, through some kind of karmic contract such as “You betrayed me” or, “you abandoned me” or “you said you would be with me forever and never leave me”, or it’s a bond of hatred, where they are punishing the person that they are hanging around, etc. We can actually see when the different discarnates take over people’s personalities when they are speaking. That is actually what multiple personalities – many discarnates attached to a person. For example, have you ever said something to your spouse or partner that you didn’t know where it came from? Or have you ever just blown up and reacted wildly for no reason? That is when a discarnate has become active in your field. And since most people are constantly emotionally energizing fear and unaccomplished wants, they attract a whole party of discarnates to their field and then wonder why they can’t have stable relationships, focus long enough to get anything done or connect to their Higher Self. They try to connect to their Higher Self and the discarnates block the connection. When they hear voices, it is the voices of the discarnates, not the Higher Self. When they are gone, we can feel more freedom from their influence and more peace of mind. In other words, their “voices in our head” are now gone.

Ids – unconscious identities, fractured soul fragments. (An “Id” is a soul fragment of ourselves that is still alive and well and affecting us from the past. They embody an attitude, belief, concept, paradigm, etc. that WE identify with. They are our “past-selves” or Identities. Ids are polarized male and female. Ids can have very intense presences of malevolence because we have all experiences of extreme terror, hatred, self-pity, etc. in past lives. These unresolved experiences fracture off our soul’s energy into ids. SINCE TIME IS NOT LINEAR BUT SIMULTANEOUS, THESE UNSEENS YET VERY ALIVE SELVES HAUNT US WITH OUR UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PAST LIVES OR EARLY LIFEHOOD.

Negative thought forms

Entities – dark soulless entities that are attached (It is similar as with discarnates that they hook on to the energetic emotional blocks to feed on your leaking energy)

Portals – slits in your auric field that drain your energy and through which you absorb other people’s issues (Portals are openings in one or more chakras that act as “vacuums” for other peoples’ adverse thoughtforms. We find them on people who wish to heal the pain and suffering of others (consciously or unconsciously) by taking upon themselves other peoples’ burdens – their undesirable thoughtforms generated by discordant emotions. Portals have the potential to cause health problems, depression, and energy loss. We close the portals permanently by obtaining a subconscious release of the emotional trauma that caused the portal to open. They are vertical and are found in the center of the body, along the “pranic tube” that extends from the top of the head to the ankles.)

Wormholes – parasitical drains that siphon energy from you. (Usually it is a discarnate draining you through a wormhole for example)

How to Use

The Aura Clearing technology is encoded with energetic signatures designed to clear the Auric Field or the 15 Dimensional Bio-energy Field of human anatomy.

The music may be listened to as meditation or while going about your normal day, although using it as a meditation together with your intention is stronger and tends to have faster and deeper results. Because it contains such high frequencies, most individuals may find this music to be too stimulating to listen to at night while sleeping, or listening to it a whole day long. Advised is to use either the 10 minutes version daily and the two 30 minutes versions for a full and very deep clearing once or twice a week at most. The 30 minutes Integration can be used daily, 24/7 if wished for.

Audio Information & Detailed Usage

Four tracks: – One 10 minutes long track for quick clearing after a busy day or after traveling or an energetic entanglement with another person, or anything that you might feel to clear. For the minor clearings.

– Two +/- 30 minutes long tracks, both have the same energies, but we included two so you may choose the music that fits your mood and taste.Both tracks are for a deep clearing, take time for this, switch out your phone and social media so you cannot be disturbed. Set your intention, guide all music through your body, and have the feeling or mantra “I am Free, and I let go”. Allow yourself to go on a deep journey, letting everything be as it is.

– One 30 minutes Integration track, use this in the days you aren’t using the clearing music. This to facilitate an easier and smoother integration of all that is in the process of being cleared.

(Preferable use headphones, or use a Hifi sound system, using it on your phone or laptop speakers will decrease the experience.)

Each track contains the same encoded clearing and energetic signatures, except the Integration music.

All music can be used also for clearing your house, preparing your therapy or healing room, or clearing the room after a session. You can use all music for any of your clients during your own work. Possible to use it as well for any ceremony or workshop.

It is best to mentally prepare for the clearing session, cultivating an expectation of positive change, because the expectation helps to facilitate this. Let yourself flow into a relaxed, receptive state with no visual and other distractions during the duration of the music. We suggest that you mentally state the mantra, “I AM FREE NOW, AND I LET GO” very slowly and with as much heartfelt emotion as possible during the clearing. This will help facilitate the release of the discordant thoughtforms, occupants, discarnates, etc. Also, we remind you that it sometimes takes a few days or even a week for the conscious personality and physical body to notice the changes that have taken place in the subtle bodies after the clearing.NOTE: This music is a strong medicine. Some individuals may, after listening to the music, begin to feel slightly overstimulated. Don’t worry; this is just your body’s way of telling you that it’s time for integration and stop for a few days using the clearing music. The integration music can be used daily. Another note: It sometimes takes a few days or even a week for the conscious personality and physical body to notice the changes that have taken place in the subtle bodies after the clearings.

The Importance of Integration

You will release and will continue to release magnetic fields of the emotions quite strongly for several days after the clearings, and release them more slowly into the weeks ahead. This release of deep layers of old emotional pain may cause some uncomfortable sensations or even mild depression for a few days. You may even have a “divine fever”. That is when the body temperature goes up and the skin feels warm to the touch, as if there is a low-grade fever. This is a sign that the Light Body is “burning off” old emotional trauma, old identities, and old contracts. It means also that the brain is opening to greater genius, greater creativity, greater peace and happiness. Divine fever is a very good sign that the session was indeed very effective. However, if you did not feel very much, which is also possible, this is not meaning that the clearing did not work and the body is releasing these magnetic fields regardless. Also you may have strange dreams, sometimes unsettling or very “odd” dreams. Please do not place significance on these dreams or try to analyze them as this is the processing and letting go of traumatic and painful issues that were unresolved in the unconscious. This counts the same for all the emotions that may come to the surface, they are only appearing cause the auric attachments related to them are going out of your body. ANALYZING would be “HOLDING ON” whereas letting go is what the process is about. In a few days, you are going to be feeling much better, with possibly a sense of lightness, joy and “freedom” regarding the issues addressed in the clearing.

After each clearing, you should be drinking a lot of water per day as long as the integration of the clearings takes place. Drinking a lot of pure water is invaluable for conducting Light energy through the physical body, water is the “conduit material”. Also if you are feeling the need to eat sweets or salt, it’s the Light Body balancing itself through your physical vehicle (body) which needs very physical types of nutrients. Salt and sugar, in particular, help the body after a clearing. These suggestions will help your body integrate the session with much more ease.

If you feel you need personal support or have questions, contact us.

Find here on my other site the full program


The user of Aura Clearing Music agrees that this audio program is designed solely for meditation, self-improvement, clearing, learning, aid in motivation, relaxation, and experimentation. This application is not intended as a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. No medical claims are intended, expressed or implied. DO NOT LISTEN WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY.

The user of Aura Clearing Music assumes all risks, waiving any claims against Divine Tools and its affiliates for any and all mental or physical injuries. The user also agrees to assume liabilities when allowing other person access to Aura Clearing Music. In no case will Divine Tools, or other distributors be liable for chance, accidental, special, direct or indirect damages resulting from use, misuse or defect of its program, instructions or documentation. The parties shall attempt to resolve all disputes arising out of this agreement in a spirit of cooperation without formal proceedings.


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