Frequently asked questions
Q: What are the reported benefits, results and symptoms of DNA Activation?
A: The single best benefit from DNA Activation is becoming more aware of your divine purpose here on Earth. There is an indescribable sense of joy when you find the answer to the question “why am I here and what is my purpose?”. This is due to the fact that one of the main benefits and results from DNA Activation is consciousness expansion and to be able to embody your Higher Self. Most people have no idea of what their Soul purpose is because they have blockages on their DNA.
Your Higher Self contains all the knowledge and purpose of why you incarnated right here and now and what is it that you came to do. DNA Activation also activates dormant brain functions to their highest energy holding potential and original divine function, specially your pineal and pituitary glands, medulla oblongata and hypothalamus so you will begin to manifest your dormant higher senses like telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition and direct cognition and with practice you will start using them on a daily basis.
Typical physical benefits and symptoms of DNA Activation include: increased energy and rejuvenation of various organs, tissues and muscles. On the emotional side your body will go through a detox of old, repressed and unresolved emotions, releasing these poisons from your body that have been causing you a great deal of suffering in your life. Many of these unresolved and repressed emotions are what actually manifest as physical diseases, so spontaneous healing of acute dis-eases are common. Your mental body will also go through a detoxification process as your brain neural nets re-pattern by clearing dysfunctional attitudes, beliefs systems and thoughtforms. This means greater genius, improved concentration and focus to accomplish the things you most desire. Common temporary symptoms of a successful DNA Activation are high temperatures, sweating, headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, tingling in the arms, hands, legs or feet and wanting to sleep longer and more often than normal.
Q: How does DNA Activation affect my everyday life?
A: Another exciting thing is that when you bring more light into your field, which is exactly what DNA activation does, you increase your frequency. Everything has a certain frequency and depending on your frequency you attract people, places, events, and things of a similar high frequency. With DNA Activation you will be able to interpret and perceive many of life’s situations more clearly and with greater focus. Most people have blockages on the 4th strand of DNA which corresponds to their 4th chakra.
Once you activate your 4th DNA strand you will be able to access deeper states of unconditional self-love. You will be able to see many opportunities that before you simply were not aware of. And because you will progressively embody your Higher Self and higher dimensions of consciousness, your manifestations abilities will be greatly enhanced. Now you will be able to manifest using more dimensions of consciousness, as opposed to what most of humanity has which is 3 to 3.5 levels of consciousness. Imagine being able to hand directly your intent to manifest anything directly to your Higher Self and that this intent begins to manifest all the way from higher dimensions. You will start having strong intuitions on what you need to do here on 3D to manifest the things you desire. And with DNA Activation you will be more aware of your co-creative abilities, which include advance manifestation skills. The list goes on and on.
In a nutshell DNA Activation gives you: joy, spiritual ascension, hyper-conscious awareness, higher frequency, and spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Q: How do I have my DNA Activated?
A: All sessions are done interactively through Skype or personal meeting. At the schedule time of your session I will connect to your Higher Self by entering a deep meditative state of awareness. After saluting your Higher Self and creating a protective energetic field, I then proceed to scan your entire chakra system, DNA template and brain centers.
As I scan your entire multidimensional body I will be activating the Sacred DNA Ascension AH Codes from the Absolute Harmonic Universe (the Higher self universe of the one we are currently in) that have been given at this time for DNA Ascension Preparation. An energy directing technique will be done to open up the seals that block DNA activation, and then infuse your bio-energetic field using mathematical light and Sacred Codes as well as scalar language commands. I will work with your Higher self to activate as many strands as is possible for you at this point in your evolution.
Q: Why does it take many sessions typically to raise the frequency of a person. Why can't we do it all in ONE session?
A: You can only accrete so much light in one session before your Higher Self says that’s enough and its time to integrate. Activating all your DNA at once can actually be damaging and crush your DNA Template, as you can’t handle and accrete that much light due to blockages in the DNA. That’s why we do sessions step by step so the person can remove blockages, accrete light and has time to integrate the new higher frequencies in his/her body, then be ready for more.
Plus many people have lots of auric attachments and karmic imprints from this and past lives. So we require to clear these first.
Q: Will I feel anything when the Healing Sessions are done?
A: Yes, many people can feel the session as it happens. Each session is unique in itself, activating certain frequencies, transmuting and removing specific blockages. You might feel strong physical sensations, tingling sensations in your chakras locations, change of body temperature (Divine fever), have visions and/or instant realizations, etc. People are also unique, have different levels of sensitivity and are at different levels of evolution thus they experience the sessions and integrations in different ways. As you keep working on yourself you will notice more sensitivity to subtle energies.
Q: What makes your healing sessions and DNA Activations different from other healing modalities?
A: One of the major differences is that I work directly with your Higher self. I connect to your Higher Self which is the identity of you that resides in dimensions 4-15. This part of your identity knows exactly what are the highest priority issues for your evolution and holds absolute unconditional love. Your Higher Self will guide me to facilitate the transmutation of energetic blockages and fragmentations located throughout your entire chakra system and DNA Template. And it is your Higher Self who actually conducts your own DNA Activation and how much DNA you can activate at this point in your evolution.
These sessions provide lifelong results. When we have sessions we make sure you clear the issues on ALL 15 levels of your awareness and that the issue goes to the Void of unmanifested matter, so they literally disappear. When we are doing clearings sessions like Auric Clearings and Karmic Removal I facilitate the removal of the highest priority energetic blockages in this and ALL past lifetimes, incarnations and even parallel universes, this is a huge clearing! I also make sure that you transmute soul fragments, polarized contracts, discordant thoughtforms and their respective neural networks in the brain. Removing your neural connections at a quantum level is the key for obtaining permanent results. If you don’t remove the brain neural networks the issue can regenerate and the dis-ease can manifest once again. By working at the DNA level, removing issues from all your levels of awareness and disconnecting your neural networks you can obtain lifelong results and watch how your reality changes.
Q: How long does it take to notice the effects and symptoms from the DNA Activations? A: Usually you could notice the effects and symptoms of your DNA activation immediately after the session or anywhere from 1 to 5 days after the session. That is why we recommend that the sessions be done at least one week apart. The first week you will start noticing and experiencing the results, effects and symptoms although the changes continue for weeks and even months after each session! With the DNA Activation sessions you can expect to integrate the work for at least a year. Many people experience a feeling of lightness, a ‘high’ that can be difficult to put into words. Since we have a 15 level multidimensional body, the subtle energies that you will download from the higher dimensions or frequency bands will usually take at least a few days to flow down into your conscious awareness and holographic reality. It is quite common for your physical and emotional bodies to go through a detoxification process, often bringing uncomfortable emotions to surface to be released forever. It is recommended that you keep a journal, as writing your experiences will help anchor the shifts happening in your multidimensional body. Please follow your intuition and synchronicities as this is your Higher self guiding you.
Everything happens in Divine Right Timing and Order.